How the Automotive Industry is Innovating with Voice Technology

Team SoundHound
SoundHound Inc.
Published in
3 min readApr 20, 2020


By Karen Scates

The Voice of the Car Summit brought together manufacturers, engineers, designers, industry executives, and thought leaders in voice AI to discuss the current trends and innovations in the automotive industry. The discussions centered around voice technology, content, and advances in voice technology that are leading automakers to realize the dream of the connected car.

For those who didn’t attend and even those who did but didn’t catch every session, we reviewed a few of the sessions, here is a quick summary of what we heard:

Innovation must put the customer first

When Robert Brucchardt, Senior Software Engineer, and Mihai Antonescu, Product Manager, both at Mercedes-Benz R&D North America, presented the ways in which Mercedes-Benz is embracing voice in cars, they spoke for their customers. Innovation, they asserted, is in place to create better customer experiences and improve convenience.

How we find each other and navigate the world is changing

One theme echoed from presenter to presenter: We must look at how people are using voice AI in-car now to determine how to improve the experience in the future. Navigation is consistently at the top of the list of in-car use cases. In response to this need, What3Words is focused on improving the experience for drivers by eliminating the confusion between streets which sound alike or share the same name (such as Church Street in England).

Content is still king

The adage, “Content is King,” may be old, but the sentiment has never been more relevant when we consider creating exceptional user experiences inside the car. Besides navigation, music is one of the top 5 use cases for voice user interfaces in-car. Content providers looking to stay relevant are seeking partnerships with independent voice AI platforms and large manufacturers to include their offerings in hybrid and cloud-enabled voice assistants in cars and other consumer products.

Innovate. Innovate. Innovate. But don’t forget the basics

Brands, engineers, designers, and thought leaders all know the promise and potential of a voice-first world. They understand the benefits of voice user interfaces and are already looking to the future of voice technology and how voice assistants will continue to influence how we interact with products and services. Innovation, they assert, must be based on an acute awareness of customers and their needs and desires.

Enhance brand loyalty with a customized voice assistant

Using the home living room as a model of what people do in living spaces, car manufacturers are adding the convenience of voice user interfaces to do everything from rolling down the windows to ordering a pizza or paying for gas before arriving at the pump. At the Voice of the Car Summit, voice-first expert and futurist Brian Roemmele had advice for car manufacturers, “Don’t give 100% of control of your in-car environment to Alexa and Google.”

Design. Test. Collect data. Iterate. Repeat.

Understanding your users and what they expect from your product is a process. It begins with market data and collaborating with your marketing teams to understand your audience personas. But it shouldn’t end there. Knowing who is using your product, how they are using it, where they are hitting roadblocks and frustrations, and then iterating to address those needs and desires is key to implementing a successful voice-first strategy.

Voice isn’t a 5-year project. It’s happening now!

Pushing the voice agenda forward now, puts the customer’s needs and desires first by providing the best experiences with cars in all classes, not just at the high end. Acknowledging the importance of a hands-free driving experience for both convenience and safety is key for auto makers hoping to remain relevant as consumers begin interacting with products through voice assistants in all aspects of their lives.

To read more takeaways from the Voice of the Car Summit, read our blog:



Sharing stories, trends and ideas about how Voice AI is transforming business, improving lives and changing the world.